Together with a few of our local florists, we came up with 5 reasons why you should buy from your local florist:
Supporting your local florists can do more good than you’d think, and here are some reasons why!
Fresher Flowers
Believe it or not, a lot of the flowers you see at your neighborhood grocery store aren’t actually grown on U.S. grounds. Most of those blooms are sourced from flower fields in South America, and more often than not, they’re cut almost a week before being shipped off to their destination.
Local florists provide stems that are cut-to-order, ensuring a longer vase life and some of the freshest blooms in the market.
Supporting Local Businesses
It almost goes without saying that purchasing from local florists will help them stay in business as well as help the local economy overall. On top of that, local businesses add some character to the community, giving people the variety they need.