Who is LocalFloristShop.com?
LocalFloristShop.com Directory is an online flower shop Business Directory. It is a trusted source for finding local florists easily in the United States.
How long has LocalFloristShop.com been around?
We were founded by a top-selling florist and have been serving the flower industry for over 15 years.
What type of Businesses/Services can be listed in the Local Florist Shop Directory?
Florists and Gift Shops. Other businesses that want to advertise their products or services are also welcome.
Contact us to discuss your business needs.
Do I have to sign a contract?
We have no long-term commitments or contracts.
Why should I list my florist shop on your Business Directory?
Local Florist Shop is the best for generating insurance sales.
Our Directory provides a comprehensive view of your florist shop and integrates your social media in one location, making it easier for your customers to understand your company, view your products, follow you, and connect with you!
Where does LocalFloristShop.com get their leads?
The majority of our traffic comes from here on localfloristshop.com and from advertising campaigns. We locate and engage customers who are looking for flowers and gifts. If the customer requests a quote, we confirm their identity and connect them with florist near them.
Learn More About Our lead matching system How do I sign up?
Please search to see if your shop already exists before signing up for a new profile. When you find it, all you have to do is click the Claim Listing button. However, if you are unable to locate it, please select one of the plans listed above to get started. You can also speak with one of our agents by calling 800-344-2739.
Is the information asked/posted on the LocalFloristShop website kept secure? Is my email and data kept safe?
Yes. We take your data and privacy very seriously. Our website is secured with SSL 256-bit encryption. We never share your information, email, or personal information with anyone and is kept strictly confidential. Learn more about our
Privacy Policy.
What payment methods are accepted?
We accept all major credit cards. All payment information is safe and secured.
Can I change my plan later on?
Absolutely! Your plan can be upgraded or downgraded at any time. The previous subscription fee will be recalculated to the new plan. Please get in touch with us.
Contact us to Upgrade your listing Will you automatically renew my subscription?
Yes, your subscription will be renewed automatically based on your payment period.
Is it possible to cancel my membership subscription at any time?
Yes, you have the option to cancel your membership at any time before the renewal date. The billing reminder will arrive 7 days before your renewal date.
Do you provide any discounts?
Yes! We provide special discounts for yearly plans on special occasions and to veterans. Other temporary discounts may be available; keep an eye on our website and newsletter for updates.
Learn more about discounts for Veterans Can I get a refund?
Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds. If you pay, your subscription will continue until the next renewal date, and you can cancel at any time if you do not want to renew.